The Golden Fleece. |
Hercules fell in love with the daughter of the king King Eurytus of Oechalia, Princess Iole. The king promised his daughter, Iole, to whoever could beat his sons in an archery contest. However, King Eurytus dishonored his promise and denied giving the hand of his daughter Princess Iole to Hercules, when he won his sons. Hercules' intentions were rejected by the king and his sons, with the exception of one son and brother of Iole: Iphitus. Hercules killed the king and his sons, except Iphitus, and abducted Iole to become his wife.
Greek hero Hercules punishing Cercopes. From Wikimedia. |
In one of the Hercules journeys he met the tribe of Dryopes. Hercules previously had slain their king, Theiodamas, and declared war upon the Dryopes. Dryopes after loosing their king, gave up the war and offered him the Prince Hylas. According to other mythological sources, Hylas become friend of Hercules and possibly lover. Hercules and Hylas joined the crew of the Argo, although they only participated in part of the journey. In Mysia, Hylas was kidnapped by the water nymphs of a local spring. Hercules, searched to find him, but without success. Later the story says that Hylas fallen in love with one of the water nymphs and never showed up again through the history.
According to mythological sources from Hesiod's Theogony and Aeschylus' Prometheus Unbound, Hercules killed the eagle that tortured the Titan Prometheus, as punishment. The eagle was eating parts of Prometheus, but it was not possible to kill him. This was his punishment by Greek god Zeus, ruler of the Greek gods, for stealing fire from the mount Olymous and giving it to humans. Hercules freed the Titan from his chains and the Titan Prometheus then made predictions regarding further deeds of Hercules. On his way back to Mycenae, having obtained the Cattle of Geryon as his tenth labour, Hercules crossed over to Liguria in North-Western Italy. He then met the two giants, Albion and Bergion or Dercynus, sons of Poseidon. He had to fight them to continue his journey back to ancient Greece. The opponents were strong and Hercules was in a very pad position. Thus, he prayed to his father Zeus for help, and with the help of Zeus, Hercules won the battle.
Prometheus and Hercules. |