
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Greek God Asclepius: the god of medicine

Statue of Greek god of medicine  Asclepious holding his  snake-entwined staff.
Statue of Greek god of medicine
Asclepious holding his
snake-entwined staff.
Asclepius (or Vejovis in Roman Mythology) is the Greek God of medicine. He was initially included in the 12 Greek god Pantheon and was residing at mount Olympus before his death from the ruler of Greek gods, Zeus. He is well known for his symbol, a snake-entwined staff that remains a symbol of modern medicine today.


He is son of Greek god of light Apollo and the mortal Coronis, daughter of Phlegyas, King of the Lapiths. There are two variations of how his mother killed. In one version she was killed because she was unfaithful to god Apollo, and in the other version Coronis killed in labor. In any case, the unborn Asclepius was rescued by his father.


Greek god Apollo carried his son Asclepius to the centaur Chiron to rise him. Chiron teaches him about the medicine. Moreover, in some point in history, one snake cleaned the ears of Asclepius in return of helping it. The snake also taught them the secrets of healing. With time, god Asclepius surpassed in knowledge his teacher centaur Chiron and his father god Apollo. According to Greek mythology, he was so powerful that he could bring someone back from the underworld.

Personal Life and death

God Asclepius is married with Epione, the goddess of soothing of pain. They have nine children: Hygieia, Telesphoros, Aglaea, Iaso, Aceso, Machaon, Panacea, Podalirius,  Aratus.

During his life, God Asclepius brought back Hippolytus back from the underwoold and got paid with gold. This in combination with the fear from Hades that no more souls will go to the underworld, lead Greek god Zeus to kill him. His father, god Apollo got angry with god god Zeus and he killed the Cyclopes that made the thunderbolts of god Zeus. In redemption, god god Zeus ordered the god Apollo to server the King of Thessaly Admetus for one year.